For pâté that packs a punch, try our Free Range Chicken liver. Often referred to as offal, our Free Range Chicken liver is full of iron, rich in protein and vitamin A and B. Due to the high nutritional content of chicken livers, they have also been considered as a super food in 2017.
Want to make your own gourmet Chicken liver pâté? Try our trialled and tested recipe by clicking here. If pate isn't for you, liver is extremely versatile and can be devilled, pan fried or used in a tasty stuffing mix.
Our Springfield Free Range Chickens are reared to the same high standards as our Organic Chickens. The only difference between our Organic and Free Range Chickens is their feed, nothing else! With our acres of fields on the farm our Free Range Chickens are free to roam with plenty of space during daylight hours. We only select slow growing breeds, which are reared for a minimum of 10 weeks, fed a natural diet and are free roaming which we believe is the secret to produce a tasty bird.