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How Springfield Poultry got it's name

How Springfield Poultry got it's name

How Springfield Poultry got it's name...

We often get asked why the farm is called Springfield Poultry and where the name Springfield originated. So we thought we'd give you the brief history behind how Springfield Poultry got it's name. Unless you're a member of the Mee family or have a good idea of our family history, our business name wouldn't appear to be the most obvious choice. So from the horses mouth, this is how Springfield Poultry came to be named Springfield, as explained by the founders of the farm, Rodney and Beryl Mee. You can read more about Springfield Poultry and how the business came to be by clicking here. Springfield Poultry name on the farm gate When Rodney and Stanley Mee bought the farm just outside Leominster, in Steensbridge, it was then known in the location of "Lower Priddleton". However between Rod & Stanley they believed that this was too much of a mouthful. Therefore they stuck with just calling it "the farm". A simple and to the point name for the farm. Years later, when Beryl's Turkeys became a success and we started to become established we needed to give our business a name. We couldn't just stick with "the farm" as we needed a distinctive business name that could be easily recognised.

We named the farm after Stanley Mee's black pudding manufacturing business

We decided to call the farm "Springfield Farm" and the company "Springfield Poultry", as you know it today. We chose the name Springfield after Stanley Mee's (Rodney's father) black pudding manufacturing business in Rochdale. The factory was called the "Springfield Food Company" and was owned by Stanley and his brother Harold Mee. If you want to read more about Stanley Mee, the Springfield Food Company and his black pudding, click here.
Stanley Mee - Rodney Mee's Father - the founder of the Springfield Black Pudding company Stanley Mee - Rodney Mee's father