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Our Valentine's Cooking Guide

Our Valentine's Cooking Guide

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well"

- Virginia Woolf Not much says that you love someone like preparing them an incredible meal on Valentine's Day. We've got you covered, with some great chicken, duck, and steak dinners for two.

Valentine's Chicken

Italian Sun Dried Tomato Stuffed Chicken Breast

This Italian dish is the next best thing to taking your Valentine to Venice for a cheesy Italian weekend away - pun absolutely intended! Cheesy and Italian in all the right ways, this is a great recipe for taking a beautiful chicken breast to the next level. There's a bit of work in the prep, but once it's in the oven you can relax and enjoy the night. Read our recipe here..

Duck a l'orange recipe

Duck a l'Orange with Port Reduction

This recipe is NOT included in the newsletter because roast duck breast is an aphrodisiac... I promise!! It's simply here because duck is a real treat and when cooked well it demonstrates some real care and attention to detail. Also it helps that French is the language of love, so your Valentine will want you to pronounce the dish over and over. See the recipe here..

Valentine's steak for two

Romantic Steak Dinner for two

If you can cook a steak well, you'll be on to a winner every time... unless you're a vegetarian... in which case this might not be the newsletter for you! The technique is all in the temperature and timing. Always start with a searing hot pan to develop a golden crust on the outside of the steak. Incredibly versatile to serve with your favourite sides!

See how we cook it here...