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Christmas is a special time of the year at Springfield. It takes us back to where it all started with Rodney & Beryl Mee rearing a handful of Turkeys to gift to friends and family over the festive period. Our Organic & Free Range birds are slowly reared  from 4 weeks old, they're free to roam from dawn to dusk - with access to fresh air and green pastures.

Orders containing Christmas items will automatically be scheduled for delivery week commencing  17th December given that the products will not be ready before this date. Because of this, we ask you to please keep any items you wish to receive at an earlier date in a separate order.

Springfield Christmas Turkeys


2.0 kg
Show options
0.23 kg
0.25 kg
0.23 kg
0.425 kg
0.425 kg
0.38 kg
1.8 kg
0.3 kg
0.2 kg
0.45 kg